This is Charlie, the vegetarian dog, sitting politely in a milk crate on the back of a bicycle. Charlie's friend has a garden plot at the Sheboygan Community Garden which is on the far corner of the parking lot opposite the market, and they often stop to say hello.
The market is a good place to practice your new walking skills.
Most Saturdays, there are a half dozen watchful parents following a little person practicing a best new thing...all systems finally coordinated, out of the trees and across the savannah. So long Knuckle Draggers! The Walking Ape has arrived.
Feeling distracted and thoughtful? Best to use public transportation.
This fellow has modeled a hat for us once before. (Gift certificate as a reward if you can date the posting of the photo)
She has a plan.....
They'll use this look against each other some day.
Seems like a honey stick should be easier than this.
"Serenity is contagious."